王欣泽(Wang Xinze)


水污染控制工程   湖泊富营养化控制


1996年,哈尔滨建筑大学 学士

1999年,哈尔滨建筑大学 硕士

2002年,哈尔滨工业大学 博士

2002年~至今,bta365-365app下载手机版【在线注册】 讲师、副教授、研究员、首席研究员

2005年~2006年,蒙彼利埃一大 博士后

2014年~至今,bta365-365app下载手机版【在线注册】云南(大理)研究院 副院长、院长

2017年~2019年,云南省洱源县人民政府 副县长(挂职)



1. 上游入湖河流净化及沿河低污染水的生态处理技术及工程示范(国家科技重大专项课题,2009ZX07105-003,1362万元)

2. 入湖河流污染治理及清水产流机制修复关键技术与工程示范(国家科技重大专项课题,2012ZX07105-003,1873.21万元)

3. 河口近岸水体底质优化与泥水界面微生态改善技术研究及示范(国家科技重大专项子课题,2017ZX07203-005-04,201万元)

4. 长江生态环境保护修复跟踪驻点研究-大理州驻点跟踪研究(生态环境部长江流域驻点跟踪研究项目,CJZDGZYJ52,80万元)

5. bta365-365app下载手机版【在线注册】云南(大理)研究院新型研发机构建设(对外科技合作专项-科技入滇项目,202003AD150015,3000万)  

6.  双酚A和类固醇内分泌干扰物在污水土地处理系统中的迁移转化行为(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,50908143,30万元)    





1. Liu Ruiting,Shen Jian,He Xiaojuan,Chi Lina*,XinzeWang*. Efficient macroporous adsorbent for phosphate removal based on hydrate aluminum-functionalized melamine sponge. Chemical Engineering Journal,2020,127848

2. Liu Ruiting,Chi Lina,Feng Jimeng,Wang Xinze*. MOFs-derived conductive structure for high-performance removal/release of phosphate as electrode material. Water Research,2020,184:116198

3. Liu Ruiting,Sui Yanming,Wang Xinze*. Metal-organic framework-based ultrafiltration membrane separation with capacitive-type for enhanced phosphate removal. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,371: 903-913

4. Liu Ruiting,Chi Lina*,Wang Xinze*,Wang Yuan,Sui Yanming,Xie Tingting,Arandiyan Hamidreza*. Effective and selective adsorption of phosphate from aqueous solution via trivalent-metals-based amino-MIL-101 MOFs. Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,357:159-168

5. Tong Xinnan,Wang Xinze*,He Xiaojuan,Xu Kaiqin,Mao Feijian. Effects of ofloxacin on nitrogen removal and microbial community structure in constructed wetland. Science of the Total Environment,2019,656:503-511

6. Shen Jian,Wang Xinze*,Zhang Zhen,Sui Yanming,Wu Hailu,Feng Jimeng,Tong Xinnan,Zhang Zhenyu. Adsorption and degradation of C-14-bisphenol A in a soil trench. Science of the Total Environment,2017,607-608:676-682

7.  Wu Hailu,Wang Xinze*,He Xiaojuan,Zhang Shengbo,Liang Rubing,Shen Jian. Effects of root exudates on denitrifier gene abundance, community structure and activity in a micro-polluted constructed wetland. Science tf the Total Environment,2017,598:697-703

8. Tong Xinnan,Wang Xinze*,He Xiaojuan*,Wang Zhe,Li Wenxuan. Effects of antibiotics on microbial community structure and microbial functions in constructed wetlands treated with artificial root exudates. Environmental Science-processes & Impacts,2020,22:217-226

9. Tong Xinnan,Wang Xinze*,He Xiaojuan*,Sui Yanming,Shen Jian,Feng Jimeng. Effects of antibiotics on nitrogen uptake of four wetland plant species grown under hydroponic culture. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2019,26:10621–10630

10. Shen Jian,Li Xueying,Wang Xinze*,Feng Jimeng,Jiang Shiyi,Zhang Zhiping,Xu Qian. Production, removal and fate of steroid estrogens under the background of total sewage interception in the Erhai Lake Basin China. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability,2020,32:194-206


1. 一种景观式村落污水收集与处理系统  ZL201510483542.3

2. 一种砾石床结构及其构成的河道水原位净化系统  ZL201510446278.6

3. 两段式农村生活污水处理系统  ZL201820908808.3

4. 用于人工湿地的孔隙性脱氮除磷填料及其制备方法  ZL201510253822.5

5. 一种水体循环流动充氧的生态塘系统  ZL201110440624.1


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